Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Aren't We Naughty?
By the title of this post you're probably thinking G(Master) and I have done something...not so much..I am refering to my shopping excursion with JeN. I really shouldn't shop with you hon. I buy entirely too many things. games...(Yes, I'm female and I enjoy video games...Is that a gasp of shock I hear?)...Ben-Wa balls...indeed Ben-Wa balls, my most recent purchase from the sex toy store "Aren't We Naughty?". My next purchase if I can find them will be the Duotone Balls. Only if they aren't connected by a string or anything like that...JeNs right too much can get trapped in the threads and thats gross.
I can't wait for G to get back from his vacation. I think he'll be surprised when I tell him I bought...well he wants me to buy nipple well...I bought Clothes pegs. I shall probably soon find out if I enjoy this aspect of things. I honestly think I will.
Other than that there's nothing really 'Big' happening in my life right now, although I am continuing on with my stories and will soon have an update on the Sisters story on my blurty for you all to read.
At any rate, I'm off for the day and heres a picture of the new purchase for you all to admire ;)
Did you admire?
|| by Fae ||
4:38:00 PM |

Monday, December 27, 2004
Fuck You Boss Man! Fuck You!

So yeah, Boss Man was an ass today and I'm going back to school so that I can get the hell out of there. Business Administration hopefully, get a good 9-5 job so I can have my weekends off...Whatever. I plan to be rather cold to certain people at work now. I will only do that work which I am required to do (so they can't fire my ass) and then and only then will I do the work which should have been done by the morning person. Not only that, I will no longer try to help the other managers out. I will do my stuff and only my stuff and fuck the rest of them.
I can't wait until He's back from his vacation. He tends to be able to talk me down, errr...calm me down about somethings, I'm so....argh!!!!! *Shaking my fist in Boss Mans face*
I'm so irritated I can't think straight. Geezus Fuck.
Why doesn't someone come take me away?
Just for a little while.
Someone to help me see the bright side of it all. Isn't there supposed to be a bright side?It's all so damnably dark.
I hate the Dark.
I hate the Light.
I need somewhere in between.
In the grays.
I have to go to the hell hole now. Take care guys.
|| by Fae ||
4:39:00 PM |

Saturday, December 25, 2004
Christmas Day
Well I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. I did, I had to work today (Yes, Work. All movie entertainment places are open,) but since everything was done early my boss let me leave early. Go Boss Man! So I was able to open my gifts with my sis and brother(in-law) and the twins, who are so adorable!!!!! My niece has actually started saying Auntie!!!! Yea!!
I got a few gifts today that I'm absolutely in love with, Scene It! (The Game...I'm so in love with it! I can't wait to play it!!!) The second book in the Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathon Stroud uhmmm....The first was... The Amulet of Samarkand the second is.....The Golem's Eye that's it! It's a children's book, well ok it's in the children's literature section probably geared for 12 year olds or so but they're really good! Not Harry Potter good, there's too many footnotes. The footnotes are some of the more amusing bits of the book. Smart alec comments from one of the characters, it's quite interesting really.
And the wind chimes I got, They're and moons and stars cut out of rock and polished strung on fishing line and wooden rings....*sigh* so pretty!!!
Oh and one more thing, I finally, finally! after like 3 years of asking got a keeper for my chain to hang my pendants on it, I also got a pendant for it so I now have three on there. A heart, A key, and my zodiac symbol (the centaur, which zodiac is that? ;) ). Those are the ones I am totally gaga over. The other ones are all equally as good I mean, I've got the new Boris Vallejo Calendar and the Charmed Calendar (One for the basement, one for my bedroom!) and oh my god!
I almost didn't write it in!
Ok, my mom won't buy me slinky pajamas, (satin/silk nighties) but she will however buy me hanes brand THONGS!!!!!!!!! They're pretty and coloured funky colours. But that's not all, no no, E.F. has another story to tell.
It dates back to late November, I was at my aunt's we were going to watch Around the World in 80 Days and....oh maybe it was Shrek 2....? I think that was it. Anyway, We're sitting around the table (My aunt, my two cousins and myself) and I hear this story about how my aunt was wondering if her dildo...or a dildo was dishwasher safe and I blurted out with, "Might be as long as there's no batteries". Ok, how would 'little innocent E.F. know that?' Well uhm...ok, so they found out about my little pal Henri, a dbl A vibe...(which has power!) ok, and not only did they find out about him, they dragged out that a friend of mine named him. Ok. So they haven't let that go, but apparently very recently my Aunt and her eldest daughter went to the Sex Store, and bought 'Henry' a christmas gift. What was it? Toy Cleanser.
Oh wait, that's not all.
What did they buy me???
A Chocolate Penis Sucker.
A Chocolate Penis Sucker.
I just about died laughing when I opened it.
I mean seriously!!!!! How many of you out there can honestly say your Aunt would buy you a Chocolate Penis Sucker and toy cleanser knowing full well that it will be used (and tasted) {but not in that order}.
Not only that, how many of you would go into a sex store with your mom to get a laugh on your cousin? I give her kudos man, I mean I don't think my mom knows I've been to a sex store. Which by that reason alone probably means she does. It's weird how parent's know things. Anyway, I should go to bed soon. I'm going to be visited by the relatives from HELL!!! tomorrow. Who are staying indefinately by the way. *shudders* Someone please rescue me??? Please? With Cherries and handcuffs on top?
*Curls up into a little ball and tries to hide*
{I wrote this a while ago, and even though it's Christmas and should be cheerful, I feel I need to share it now.}
For the Best
The glue begins to crack and the flesh is
peeling back. Open and bloody sores revealing my very core.
Bared for all to see, is the weakness within
The words I used so well from bruised and
bloody lips they fell,tear stained cheeks
and bloodshot eyes I truly had believed your
This is the weakness within me, this is what
you do to me.
Scatterbrained, and unhinged, I feel as
though my body's been singed, by the flames
we once encouraged, Never once was I
discouraged,I had faith in you and I,
Now I only wish that I could die.
Relieve myself of this dreadful pain,
Rejoin my father on the other plain.
Maybe then my body will be at rest.
Maybe that's what would be best.
|| by Fae ||
11:45:00 PM |

Friday, December 24, 2004
Merry Christmas to All!
It's officially Christmas morning and I had the Christmas Eve from, well no good place worth mentioning really. I haven't been able to speak properly in three days and have been sick since Sunday (the day before my birthday,) so for the past three days I've been getting, "Are you sick?" "Did you lose your voice?" "Is it laryngitis?" "You sound like a man!!!(evil laughter of co-workers inserted here)" "You sound funny!" "JeN told me your voice sounded funny and it really does!(girlie friendly giggles)" *Bangs my head on the wall* I've responded accordingly in my genial retail worker way, unless it was with my co-workers or friends. I do tend to just laugh it off though. I actually had to tell one of my co-workers to drop it though, he tends to take things a little too far or drags them on and on and on....etc. Anyway, not the best week ever. But hey what can you do?
Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride called Life.
Hmmm, anyway, really I just came on to wish everyone out there a Merry Christmas, a Merry Ho-Ho, or whatever it is you call it. Personally, I'm a traditionalist, I like Christmas. Not for any religious reason, I just like it.
I'm blubbering because I'm tired and sore and sick...Did I mention I hacked away at the ice sculpture at the end of my driveway?
Oh by Ice sculpture, I mean the nasty chunks of ice that have formed there thanks to the snowplows. I actually had to get the ice pick out and start hacking at it. I had some anger to work out, so ...I enjoyed it, aside from the hacking coughing fits every few minutes. But I digress. I'm off to bed now and hopefully to dreamless, restful sleep. Like I've been getting that lately *note sarcasm*Anywho, ya'll take care and have a good holiday!!!
Yours, EroticFae
|| by Fae ||
11:44:00 PM |

Tuesday, December 21, 2004
"Ryle Hira" - Rhapsody by Elizabeth Haydon
Well, My birthday went by well. I had a pretty good day in fact. I spent time with my family and with friends...well a friend ;) Thanks JeN. We went out for pizza and then to the movies, we saw Ocean's Twelve. It's not bad, it's not great, but it's not bad. The one part I didn't like was the filming, I'm a little sick and slightly naseaus so the filming they used made e want to be sick. They were all zoom happy freaks. Everything they did was filmed from far away with an extreme close up zoom. *Shudders,* JeN didn't like that....hmmm...I don't want to spoil anything so I'll stop.
Let's see, He sent me a happy birthday text message, it made me smile and feel the warm fuzzyness that happy things bring. and then I got one from 'the boy'. It made me wonder. I don't know why I still talk to the boy but I do. I tried walking away, he doesn't want me to. He tried walking away before that though and I didn't want him to. He doesn't want anything more than a friendship with benefits, I want more. I want to see if it's possible to have more but I'm not sure if I should. He broke my heart once and it almost destroyed me, I don't know if I could go through it again. I don't know maybe I'm a glutton for punishment. I know I have Him, He's always there for me no matter what. He wants me to tell him the whole story and I'm afraid it might open a part inside me that I've closed off, that I won't be able to close again.
the boy makes me wonder.
"Life is what it is,"-Spoken by Rhapsody in any one of the three Rhapsody novels written by Elizabeth Haydon (This is the translation for the title).
Now That I Found You - Lyrics
Written by J.D. Martin, Paul Begaud & Vanessa Corish
How can I believe
That my heart would find someone like you
You see me, the real me
No in bewteens, I had nowhere to hide
You took away the walls around me
Made me feel safe to share my truth
I see the heavens open, a heart that once was broken
Is holding nothing back
Now that I found you
You hold me like a prayer, you touch me everywhere
A lifetime just ain't enough to love you true
Now that I found you
Now that I found you
I do believe we're meant to be
Our chemistry will last forever
And through the years
We'll see some tears
We'll conquer fears
And together we will grow
Looking in your eyes
They tell me
I no longer have to feel alone
I see the heavens open, a heart that once was broken
Is holding nothing back
Now that I found you
You hold me like a prayer, you touch me everywhere
A lifetime just ain't enough to love you true
Now that I found you
Now that I found you
You see me, the real me
You believe in me
I see the heavens open, a heart that once was broken
Is holding nothing back
Now that I found you
You hold me like a prayer, you touch me everywhere
A lifetime just ain't enough to love you true
Now that I found you
Now that I found you
Lyrics courtesy of
|| by Fae ||
2:30:00 AM |

Monday, December 20, 2004
My poor toe!!!
I very strongly dislike technology!!!
At least right now anyway. I had my update already to post and what happens...? My bloody computer decides to freeze on me. It was a really very nice update too, and do you think I can remember half the things I had written? I don't think so!!!
I remember writing about my possible sprained toe, I dropped a can of pop on it, and know the lip on the top of the can? Well, that slammed full force onto the joint of my big toe and it's all black and blue now, quite gross really.
I also wrote about my 'party' of sorts. It was really more of a....get together in which my friends and I got drunk and played video games and proceeded to get drunk. That was fun.
Other than that I can't really remember...ohhhh in like 5 minutes I turn 21. How exciting!
Anyway, I should toddle off shortly. I have a lot to do tomorrow and I'd like to wake up early.
Yours, EroticFae
You walk over to me, watching as I lie helplessly back on the bed. My arms tied to the bed posts firmly with the silk scarves you gave me for my birthday last year. I whimper softly and gasp when I feel your hands cupping my calves, spreading them and then wrapping another scarf around one. Writhing slightly on the bed and gasping as the cold air hits my warm inner thighs, you grin wickedly and lean in blowing softly warming my thighs and my pussy. my right foot, still untied, pushes against your shoulder slightly. You grab it and give me a reproachful look.
"Are you being naughty my pet?" Smiling softly up at you and Shrugging as best as I can,
"I can't help drive me to it," He chuckles softly and ties my remaining leg to the bed.
"Well, now my dear, you'll have nothing to worry about. All you have to do is focus on not orgasming until I tell you too." He grinned wickedly and I began to feel the slightest bit apprehensive. I had the feeling he was going to make me wait a while for it tonight. He cupped a hand over my cheek and I rubbed my face into it a little,
"So tiny my pet, sometimes I'm worried what I have planned will simply overload your tiny frame," He leaned over me and began to nuzzle my neck, raising tiny pinpricks of gooseflesh over my arms. I whimpered softly and closed my eyes. I arched my neck and felt him nuzzling his way down my body. Across my collar bone, and down between tjhe valley of my breasts his fingers reaching up to tweak my nipples slightly. I arch my back and gasp slightly when he twists them and I feel his slight grin against the soft flesh of belly. He licks a little into my belly button and places soft butterfly type kisses over the slight rounding of my abdomen. Always kissing lower, and lower over my thighs, and down towards my knees. I feel him trying to reach for something and whimper when I hear the sound of my vibrator turning on.
How he expected me not to come when he would be using that, I had no clue. I had to ball my hands into fists and curl my toes. CLosing my eyes I focused all my energy on breathing, I let out a soft scream when it touched me, it was cold and vibrating madly against my clit. Breathing deeply I felt Him lean in to bite at my nipple. Soft at first, and gradually harder. Tugging at me with his teeth, rotating the vibrator over my clit. I was whimpering constantly by then.
"oh god!!! Sir! I'm...ohh...please...I'm going to...ahh" I whimpered as I felt the loss of the vibrator, it disappeared as suddenly as it had come into play.
"Tsk, Tsk, My Pet. I told you. Now you've lost the use of your favourite toy. You need more control, more restraint my love," I whimper softly as he started to untie me. I felt the scarves go lax and I curled up on myself and I felt him curl up behind me. "Shhh, my pet...I'll help," I felt His fingers slide over my pussy lips so gently and He talked to me the entire time His fingers were sliding in and out of me. He brought me to orgasm that way, but only the once. We fell asleep that way. His Hand still possesing me.
|| by Fae ||
12:53:00 AM |

Saturday, December 18, 2004
Almost soon....
Tonight I celebrated mybirthday with my mom, my sister, brother (in-law) and my niece and nephew (twins!). My brother in-laws parents were also there and though they are not my favourite people in the world my brother in-law is generally a good guy. My sister thinks my day was 'ruined' in part by them being there, but it wasn't. She doesn't seem to understand that if it means I get to see her and....we'll call him...Robert. Robert and the twins then its ok. I won't get to see them very much anymore as it is so I'll take what I can get.
My sister had baked me a cake (with the help of her mom-in law,) and we made homemade pizzas so it was a good night. I got my usual Disney movie from her and Paul and I got a new faerie from the twins...which Paul had found. Again Paul found something completely perfect for's a faerie with wind chimes attached....and I absolutley love it. I don't think he realizes how much I like the faerie frame I got last year, because I haven't put a picture in it yet, but that's because the picture of the faerie it came with is just so good looking I can't bring myself to take it out.
JeN's home and we'll be getting ready for some good partying tomorrow when I get together with the girls for some fun drinking times. I'm a little depressed still but I'm forcig my way through it all. Again. I keep wondering if this will be the time when I snap. Everyone snaps eventually. I'm just wondering when my time will come.
I was looking over the hill top,
into the stand of trees,
The dull-hued lights create a backlit scene of nature,
the black trees thrusting up into the sky,
the black uneven ground hosting the trees through time.
the light was unnatural and ugly behind the trees.
The sky was black and navy and an ugly shade of gray.
lending a trace of despondancy to the unhealthy lands.
The ugly scene is embossed upon my mind,
the knowledge that if only the light were natural,
the scene would become unmatched in nature,
begins to give way to fear.
|| by Fae ||
12:45:00 AM |

Friday, December 17, 2004
DarkEros lives
I begin to sink into another depression based on how alone I am. I wish He was here. If He was here he could wrap His arms around me and make me His again, even though He has only ever made me his on here and on the phone I am still His. But Always Alone. No I'm sorry that's not right, Never Alone but Always Lonely. I think I'm coming to the realization slowly that if I were to experience being with another female I could become bi-sexual. Well, at least in so far as the upper half, I don't know if I could go down on another girl. I mean don't get me wrong....I really like the penis....really like it. Yeah I definately couldn't do away with that....but still....I dunno I'm getting tired and really starting to stress about the one male in my life that could make me happy but doesn't realize it, and doesn't want a relationship more than the friendship we have because he's afraid he will just hurt me more than he has now but...well more details are on my blurty if you really want them...he's not worth stressing over, and yet as I say it I want to burst into tears. I refuse too. I am stone inside and out. And yet as malleable as damp clay, and the fluidity of my soul could reach the stars. The tears I cried for pain and death, now lie deep within the River Styx, Ferryman Charon I'll give you your bribe, So long as this broken and twisted heart, Hades can fix. DarkErospyxii
|| by Fae ||
12:20:00 AM |

Tuesday, December 14, 2004
My First
Welcome to my second online journal. I will still be updating on my blurty as this one is purely meant for the types of things my family would worry about. Meaning things like the fact that I have an online relationship with a Dom.
Yes that makes me his sub.
As a first post this one will be short. I hope. I am creating this site after having been encouraged by two of my best friends who I hope will comment and read my updates with an open mind. They usually have a very open mind about anything so I am not really worried about that.
I'm not really one to open up and share things, I have a tendency to keep things quiet and bottled up inside. I will quite often be sucked into writing spells when I am troubled and often it comes out in the form of poetry which is either on my blurty or on I usually write poetry when I am sad, or incredibly depressed othertimes I continue writing my book which is slowly coming to life.
I hope you enjoy this blog, and I hope at least this part of my life may entertain some of you, at least enough to keep your mind off your own troubles for a bit.
|| by Fae ||
3:04:00 PM |
