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Thursday, March 30, 2006

HNT : The Oddity.

Ok, so JeN gets her wish....she asked for an amusing picture, and then she said she wanted one of an elbow. So, I give you....My elbow!!!!!

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Although it is my right elbow and I do have a story to go with it, if you haven't figured it out by now...I have a story to go with everything.

When I was in grade 8. I broke my elbow. Doing a cartwheel. Lame isn't it? It was for a good cause though.....Our V.Princepal was retiring(the greatest teacher/principal ever!) and we were doing a play for him, complete with choreographed dance sequence done to the Mission Impossible theme song. It was during a rehearsel of the dance sequence that it happened....

There it was, on the stage floor, the brown envelope. The music was on, we were spinning and whirling across the stage, I ran on stage and started the cartwheel right hand landed ok on the floor where it was supposed left...landed right on that damned envelope. Whoosh! Envelope slips, goes up in the air, of course my hand follows it and I land, with all my weight, on the opposite arm. I cried...of course I cried I'm not immune to pain...the fact that walked around for 2 days in pain with out a cast and not complaining just means I can tolerate pain. It didn't hurt that my Dad looked at my arm when I got home and said "Ahh, you'll be ok in a couple days." Even though my mom wanted to take me to the hospital. She did the next arm had swollen to twice it's was interesting.

That was also when my best friend in the whole wide world decided to tell me it didn't hurt that much, grabbed my arm and yanked it straight out from my body...I screamed so loud her dad came running. Hee Hee...she felt so bad....and I still have fun teasing her about it. I'm mean that way I guess....but she's got stuff on me...oh yes she does.


Sunday, March 26, 2006

Random Quote and a moment of anticipation....

There are three ages for women in Hollywood, Babe, District Attorney and Driving Miss Daisy ~ Goldie Hawn

Less than a week to go....Next Saturday....G and I will meet for the first time...I've been a state of semi-nervousness, semi-anticipatory, semi-anxious happiness for a while....ok Since the beginning of the month. But Who's counting?

I keep thinking of reasons why we shouldn't meet. Not that I've ever voiced them out loud. I know exactly how he would shut them down, or if I don't know, then I know he would shut them down and it's pointless to argue the point. So, I suck it up and hope.

So maybe I'm not a total lost cause hmmm?

Alright so I way overspent this weekend as I had a rare Sunday off I went shopping with my Mum and Sister and her kids and well overspent. But at the end of the day I made a necklace and two bracelets and got a pair of pants on sale and have plans to buy a new bra and a sundress (which my Mum and Sis hate but my friend "Tammi" loves.) as well as possibly getting a pair of Capris...which are supposed to be just under the knee type shorts and not half way down my calf capris...but hey they don't look half bad.

I strongly dislike being short some days.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

HNT #....I don't have a clue....

One of the things I rather do not like about myself are my hands, as I am a tiny person ...everything about me is tiny. Right down to the palm of my hand and the size of my fingers. So here is my hand for you to gaze upon, unpainted and adorned with my school ring and the second ring I received for a birthday. My sixteenth I believe...

Of course, I give you the left. The hand read in palmistry, the hand "given" in marriage, the hand the used to be a sign of "evil". Unexciting...but I'm doing this early maybeif you check back later I'll have something better for you.

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It looks rather disembodied if you ask me.


Post Posting Post...if you understand that.

Ok, so last night I was completely going out of my mind with confusion. This New Guy who shall be henceforth known as "Peacemaker" least until I find something better to call him. He is a Libra, an air sign....I am a Sagittarian. A fire would think Fire and air would go well.....I don't understand the freaking guy! He's driving me insane.....First he's all "I only go into your store to see if you're working" (I melted at that point) and now he's all indifferent and backing away...and he made me kiss his cheek....Hello, I'm not his SISTER! *Grumps,*

Maybe I'm just seriously frustrated...sexually that is. Anyway, This is the pic I was going to post to show you the state of confusion I was in...But I didn't want to do another sullen've had enough of those, but I must be honest with you and myself. I'm freakin' lost when it comes to this guy.
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So, I've realized that when I drive, I think. And I don't just mean drive to the store. I've spent the past hour and a half getting to my sisters so when I go for extensive drives on my own, I think....a puts things into perspective.

I don't like putting things into perspective. It's like putting a mirror in front of me and saying "What are your worst features?". It's disgusting.

I was listening to Wynonna Judds C.D. "What the World Needs Now (is love)" and of course being in the overly emotional state of the female kind I spent most of the drive trying not to cry.

Lime has told me to try to live not expecting that other shoe to drop, don't wait for it to happen and just live my life. So much easier to say it than to do it. I used to think that I was carefree and happy-go-lucky, easy going and generally easy to get to know.

How easy is to get to know someone when they distrust everything you say and do? It can't possibly be easy, I for one would want to drop that person as fast as possible, but it's hard to drop to speak...? (Am I making any sense here?)

I pass on to you the lyrics of the song I fell in love with this past hour and will the carry on with my ....diatribe...?

Your Day Will Come
Lyrics by: Stephony Smith / Jeremy Stover

Pack up all your tears
Bury the past
Send them away
Don't let 'em hold you back
Love will find you again
You'll find another way to begin
And you'll trust in someone
Your day will come

Throw it on the line
Let your heart break down
Know that at the right time
Love is gonna come around
Open up your soul and
Let the moment hold you
Don't push it away
Oh I know you know
You belong in the sun
Your day will come

Don't go back there
Don't tear yourself apart
Just listen to you
Remember who you are
Wait for true love
What's one more day
You'll find the one
Your day will come

Throw it on the line
Let your heart break down
Know that at the right time
Love is gonna come around
Open up your soul and
Let the moment hold you
Don't push it away
Oh I know you know
You belong in the sun
Your day will come

Pack up all your tears
Bury the past
Send them away


I felt like she was speaking (singing?) directly to me...How do you bury past though? Especially when you feel like the past is all you have of someone...if you let that go then you have nothing. And you can never get it back again? And when that is gone, you are truly alone.

I gave up on God. The people I know that believe in God, as far as I know have never had anything but bad things happen to them. Death, illness, disability, abuse, addictions, divorce. To name precious few. *Note the sarcasm and vague feelings of anger*

So I believe in my family and friends. Those that are in my life and try to force it into my thick skull that they won't be going anywhere. That they'll be sticking around for a while yet. Those that can and have said that they love me. I also believe in those that have passed on. Mainly because there are moments where I can feel them and I know that they're ok, and that they're telling me I'll be ok.

But hell, maybe that is just a sign of insanity.

I need to make a change with the direction my life is taking. Maybe it just means taking a vacation and getting out of town for a day or two. Maybe it means changing jobs, or moving out of town. I don't know. I don't know what I can do.

I do know what I can't do. I can't go on without trying, and no one's gonna stop me.

(No One's Gonna) Break Me Down
Lyrics by: Brett James / Hillary Lindsey / Angelo

Road blocks, red lights
Dang brakes, that's life
People say what they want
I don't care it's just talk

Go, let's start this show

I ain't gonna let 'em hurt me now
They ain't gonna break me down
I ain't gonna let 'em kick me around
No one's gonna take my crown
Hey nothin's gonna break me down

Got my back against the wall
Cities rise, cities fall
Reckless ride, wild abandon
I'll be the one left standin'

No you can't roll this stone

Repeat Chorus

I might trip up and I might stumble
But you won't ever see me crumble
Oh, oh?

I ain't gonna let 'em hurt me now
They ain't gonna break me down
I ain't gonna let 'em kick me around
No one's gonna take my crown

Repeat Chorus

Nothin's gonna break me down


(I originally started this post with "I want..." but it's so much more than that.)
I need... shake my fist in anger, scream out my frustrations, rake my nails down the skin of my arms so deep it draws blood, know that I can feel, know that I can cry, know that I can grieve, know that I belong, know that it's ok that I'm alive, feel safe again, know that I'm not going insane, understand why I can give so much to others, when they can never give to me; figure out why I always feel so out of place and alone, know what it's like to be dominated by someone standing in front of me, know that I won't always be let down by those around me, not fear difference, or change, make a change...a big change.


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Just a quickie,

I went and visited The Village Idiots
base of operations and I found his quiz, at which I failed...I mean hugely sucked. It was like pepe le pu walked in the room. So, here's my own quiz. Enjoy!

(My HNT is below this post)

HNT, Enjoy!

I have been in a constant state of arousal for the past two weeks....G is in NY and therefore can't help me out (phonecalls from hotels being so pricey,) even if he offered I wouldn't...{Something other than 'let him'} accept it...? Too much moolah!) I have handy is not of much help, and the bra I'm wearing doesn't help either as the stitching on the inside of it runs right over my nipple....but its just so darn pretty!

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Oh and just so you know, I match too!

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And they're green! Not a true green of course, A very very pale green....which works well with my very pale skin.

It's all the green I had....*Shrugs,* I couldn't have worn nothing....!

*Wicked grin,*


Sunday, March 12, 2006

I cried a single tear....literally.

I have a good heart,
I'm kind,
Understanding and sympathetic.

I deserve the best in life.
I should not have to settle for less than that.

This past month, lunar cycle, astroligcal period whatever you want to call it has sent me into a depression.

Maybe it's because G is on vacation and I can't talk to him the way I normally would. But I'll be meeting him in real life soon. It gives me something to look forward to.

Maybe it's because Pisces seems to have it in for me. 1st boyfriend, that I have dubbed my non-boyfriend as we all deserve to have one guy we negate ever having had a relationship with, was a pisces. He cheated on me. My best friend from elementary school was a Pisces. I found out she and some of my other 'friends' had been talking about me behind my back. She called me a Bitch. You call me that to my face that's fine I'll deal I can respect that. I can not and will not respect someone who hasn't got the brass to do that, when they need to make themselves feel bigger, by putting others down. My first real relationship, with Panning no less, he was a pisces. He ripped my still beating heart out of my chest and continues to stomp on it every time I give him the chance. I give him the chance because I'm naive, gullible foolish, and I have hope.

Hope is what keeps me going, keeps me strong.

I'm pretty sure G is a pisces....or close to it. But I could be screwing up my dates again. I tried pushing him away, in that respect I broke my own heart a little, and he healed it by showing me that he wasn't going anywhere. He is my friend first and foremost, a man I have many things in common with and one I have come to love however I can over this network of binary codes.

I'm scared.

Terrified really but what does that matter?

All that matters is that I push through day by day, I hold on. I do what it takes to get through another day. To survive.

I need to learn to let go. I think I'm driving myself insane. I also think I might be a little dyslexic or at least have some sort of learning disability.

I just want to be held. I want strong arms to wrap around me and press me tight against his body. His chin just barely resting on the top of my head, my eyes closed and breathing in the scent of him. His hands rubbing up and down my back, and his lips pressing softly on the top of my head.

It's the little things I want, but in waiting for them to happen I'm also waiting for that other shoe to drop.

The one that takes it all away. I've started thinking that it's almost dangerous to know me, to be around me. People get hurt, they leave, they die. They just....fall away and I can't help it. Can't help them. Can't help myself.

I feel so much guilt. I can't let it go.

and I'll never be able to say why.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Melancholic, over Dramatic. Upset and Irritated is what I am.

Editor's Note: If you click on the picture you can see a larger version...what they should really look like. OK? Ok. Ciao! ~F.

I'm melancholic, over dramatic and a little more than over the top. At least for today...and yesterday. Maybe it's just not my week. Though my Horoscope said I should "Go in for the kill" I tried. It crashed. And now I burn.

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And then I played a little with the crap photo program I have and this is what the result was.

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And another that was supposed to look like an oil painting...maybe it would if it were bigger...

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Last one I promise, the one before this had a texture to it...I don't know if you could tell or not...but well this one doesn't.

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Enjoy, and enjoy the poem below. it's another testament to the emotions I never let out. Except for on here.


Devil in Me. A poem with reflections of three.

Beliefs are strong, until they crash.
Hopes are fragile, they get dashed.
Wavering, flitting, fluttering through
All day long lies are truth.

Be strong, don't wilt.
Hard as iron,
Cold as winter's steel,
This way, you can't feel,

Don't bend, Don't sway
lead the others astray.
This way they'll never know,
The feelings you never show.

Truth can bend into deceit
Lay your problems at my feet,
My problems, with you I shall share,
just to see if they compare.
Try to find the lies I hide,
You'll never find where it divides,
My truth and lies are as one.
Comparsions 'twixt us there shall be none.

You do not compare to the devil in me.
Nor shall you ever,
see one
as sweet as she.

DarkEros, EroticFae & A.C.

I was happy all day, and now...well now I'm definately not.

Friday, March 03, 2006

I'm a delinquent, a kender, a deviant, a thief, She who steals under the shadow of night.

Although I do give credit where it is due so I thank Jericho for posting his stats (which is where I caught on to this), and LL for finding the site (where Jericho ripped it from ;) )

So...Here I am in a what do you think?

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Clearly I'm not the most logical of people, and I'm very physical though not terribly ,....aural? *goes to look it up* Aural: of having to do with the ear.

Ok, I'm not all that great of a listener I guess....I like my solitude but I like to talk.

maybe that's why I don't listen well I'm too busy talking while I'm alone. I should really stop talking to myself eh?
Hmph, well, here's how I ..rate (?) with other women...

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Well, I'm..more everywhere other women are less and I'm less everywhere other women are more. If you understand that I'm proud of you. You have learned the lingo of non-logistics. (You like that alliteration don't you? yah, Yah, I know I'm good)

Sorry I get a little goofy when I'm not feelin' top notch.
...I think I might be a tad dyslexic today I'm typing a lot of stuff backwards. Hmm can't wait until I go to the mall and start talking life could be very interesting today. Enjoy guys!
Be well!

Ill....a bad pic but whatever

I'm ill, I feel naseaus, have since about 6pm, it's now twenty to one in the am....I didn't post hnt like I should have. I'm posting now. Go me.

It's a pic I took of a henna tattoo I got at wonderland last summer, a little big for my taste but I went with it. I want a faerie tattoo....but something with color. I'm gonna have to keep looking I guess.


When does this ill crap end?!

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