Monday, October 31, 2005
Another brief unknown part of an Unknown land in the midst of an Unknown womans story.
Stomping through the dimly lit cave, the petite woman threw her crudely made bowls and cooking pots onto the counters.
"A heretic! A dark Sorceress! Blast them to the seven levels of Darsius!" She ranted and raved as she threw herbs and plants into the cooking pot placed over the glowing fire that was never let go out. Her red hair was lossely hanging around her waist, bits and pieces braided with random items strewn throughout. A few feathers, a couple bells, some pretty beads and the soft shimmer of gold. Grumbling she continued making her stew over the fire. The anger inside slowly boiling itself away as she dropped and threw onions and potatoes into the water with the pungent herbs.
Walking towards the bed in the open cavern she took a robe and placed it around herself. Wrapping her nakedness in black.
"Black is for death Shola," The young woman started and turned to look at the entrance.
"You again! the last time I saw you, was three weeks ago when you left me at the mercy of the bloody council of Seven in Earlith! Tell me why I shouldn't blast you down myself?"
"You'll need me before the year is out," The man grinned almost patronizingly. "Besides you don't have the power to blast me down," The woman snarled at him and thrust a hand at him. He felt the rush of the power straining towards him and he let it roll over and thorugh him. He didn't fight it and it lasted no longer than a moment. It was all she needed.
The robe had disappeared and she held a bow and arrow in her arms aimed and ready to fire. The bow was a large as she was, the string appeared golden and the arrow was fletched with feathers that burned. Her eyes flashed at him and she cocked her head to the side.
"Do not. Patronize. Me. The god may save your soul but the goddess would drink your blood first," She watched the man shudder and grinned at him. Why will I need you?"
"Time will tell Shola-"
"Don't call me that! I am no Shola! I've not the power nor the inclination to be an evil one if this is why you're here, you're wasting both our times." She laid the bow and arrow down and walked to the stew which was bubbling and gave it a stir with a wooden spoon.
"So you think me a servent of the Seven?" He looked grimly at her and shook his head bowing it down and backing out. "You will learn all too soon what it means to be Shola, to be light within the darkness," He disappeared before her eyes and she gasped softly and smelled the air briefly to be certain he didnt remain and walked back to her robe, tossing the black one on the fire and reaching for the matching robe in blue silk. Perhaps this one would be better.
|| by Fae ||
11:48:00 AM |

Sunday, October 30, 2005
I listened to a new c.d. today...and who would have thought she'd make me think of you again. Oh dear Panning....even your metaphysicial spirit would be too homophobic to allow you masturbation.
Does it make you feel dirty? Is that why you won't call? Do I disgust you that much?
My spirit is open, and able to roam. My thoughts and beliefs are mine, I'll never try to force them on you and I hope someday you could come to understand the way that I am.
I like to stand in open fields and spin in circles with my arms spread out. I enjoy rolling down hills, and imagining myself to be a log, trying to hold myself stiff and straight. failing everytime when I double over in laughter. I like walking through mud in barefeet just to feel it squishing between my toes, I like walking through grass to feel it tickling my soles.
I still like to play tag, or hide and seek. the dark, roaming the streets in my neighbourhood, even though you're not supposed to leave the park.
I enjoy playing board games, and I despise cheaters.
I don't like people who hold back....there are times and days where I hate myself.
I'm not anti social, I'm just not entirely comfortable talking to people. New People.....I try so hard...maybe too hard.
I'm so uncomfortable in this's disappointing, but I've learned to live with it sort of. I was at the gym on the treadmill, my friend on the machine beside me. I felt like the Heffalump beside Kiplings Bagheera. I was speed walking because I can run or even really jog ...I feel like a cow. And she ran, and ran, and ran. I was jealous and I hated it. and I got over it. I'll never be tall. I'll never be willow slender. I'll be a gypsy in an ivory skinned body for the rest of my life. No matter how often I dream of myself as the 5'8" woman with waist length wavy black hair and the amber eyes of the wolf. I'll still be here, Pale, red haired and blue eyed in an overweight body.
The song is playing again...I push it down....I become numb....and listen to the words...and I realize that I want to know the answer to what she asks.
Can you hear me?
Hear Me by Kelly Clarkson
Hear me Hear me
You gotta be out there You gotta be somewhere Wherever you are I'm waiting 'Cause there are these nights when I sing myself to sleep And I'm hopin' my dreams Bring you close to me Are you listening?
Hear me I'm cryin' out I'm ready now Turn my world upside down Find me I'm lost inside the crowd It's getting loud I need you to see I'm screaming for you to please Hear me Hear me
Hear me Can you hear me? Hear me
I used to be scared of Letting someone in But it gets so lonely Being on my own No one to talk to And no one to hold me I'm not always strong Oh, I need you here Are you listening?
Hear me I'm cryin' out I'm ready now Turn my world upside down Find me I'm lost inside the crowd It's getting loud I need you to see I'm screaming for you to please Hear me
I'm restless and wild I fall, but I try I need someone to understand Can you hear me? I'm lost in my thoughts And baby I'm far For all that I've got Can you hear me?
Hear me I'm cryin' out I'm ready now Turn my world upside down Find me I'm lost inside the crowd It's getting loud I need you to see I'm screaming for you to please Hear me Hear me Hear me Hear me Can you hear me? Hear me Hear me Hear me Can you hear me? Oh, oh, oh, oh... Hear me Hear me Hear me
|| by Fae ||
10:49:00 PM |

Thursday, October 20, 2005
Page 250 of 722.
Its the last book...for now. Until a new one arrives. *Siggh* Anita Blake, you and the company you keep provides me with a tingle between my thighs and horror in my heart. You scare me, you send me chills and intense thrills. I feel the hollow emptiness low in my belly when you're under the arduer and the men rush to your side. I feel sorrow as I read this last book for I do not know when the next will be out. I've devoured your life and grown to love all of you in these books. Anita works through her problems and is overpowered many times by her own power and only serves to remind me of Elena. Perhaps I shall re-read those few books when I am done here for to leave this new area comlpetely I think would damage me. The first books I've read that incorporate Vampires and Zombies with Dominance and Submission. The first books I've read ever with anything bearing a likeness to D/S.
page 250 of close to be done...*whimper*
|| by Fae ||
10:46:00 PM |

Monday, October 17, 2005
Just another Post
Your comments made me tear up. I've been ready to cry all day. I'm probably pmsing, or manic about something.
Jen, you have no idea what your words mean. You usually find the right thing to say to 'buck' me up...that doesn't quite sound right but I'm sure you know what I mean.
Jay, you're an absolute doll. thank-you. And yes, a kick ass nap was what I needed and had while I was 'watching' Batman...the first one. It did wonders for me, got rid of the lethargicness I felt and gave me the energy to get up....well Bon Jovi did that too.
Balthazar B, there are days where it does make it feel better, and days when it doesn't. Last night it was...cathartic, thank-god I was able to blow off steam today at the gym because otherwise I would be just as insane right now.
G, You know I'd missed you too. Having family that I don't particularly enjoy around screwing up our time together was ....icky, after our talk and everything I do feel much better. You make me smile. *enter mushy thought* You make gloomy days sunny. *exit mushy thought* I just wish....well I wish a lot of things.
For an actual post now....
I have to lose weight.....20 lbs to the weight I should be at, 10 lbs to make me happy, and 15 to make my doctor happy. At this moment, I am sitting in jeans that almost, but not quite, come down over my hips when I pull on them. It means I get to go shopping but for pants....ick! I hate pants shopping, tops, skirts, shoes, jackets, earrings, christ tampon shopping is better than pant shopping.
I'm 4'11". It makes finding nice pants difficult because they always look different when they've been hemmed. I feel like a schlep when the pants don't look quite right. On a happier note, I got my hair into pigtail nubbins (A la Phoebe on Charmed season 2.) and I love them, I may try doing it with braids next time though. Very comfy for when you're doing cardio at the gym.
limbo, black, desolate, different but the same, frozen, watching, stasis. *******
stranded in limbo, hardened heart, frozen from within. scared to care, cares too much. weak mind strengthens, heart softens. Love's life flows within.
Summer's over, winter beckons. People bundled, Walk cold concrete. Whisper soft, Frost can't hear. Before you know it, Summers here.
Won't you be my sunny raisin?
There once was a woman in Nantucket, Who held on to a very large bucket.
I think once you start to write limericks it's time to stop.....Here's a picture of one of my favourite tops.

Just because.
|| by Fae ||
11:50:00 PM |

Sunday, October 16, 2005
I feel small. Tiny and insignificant. Right at this moment I want the day to be just over. Finished and done with. I want to curl up on my bed and feel someones arms around me. I want everything to be ok. I want this week to be gone. and forgotten. There are days where I want to be forgotten. I wish no one knew who I was. So I could go....and not feel remorse. I'll never go. I'll always be here for those who need me. I'm lost...Wandering the streets of my mind....this must be what it feels like to be in a coma....or to be in the Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop. Numb, inarticulate and vaguely stupefied. I want my bed. ef.
|| by Fae ||
11:43:00 PM |

Friday, October 14, 2005
A few words from another contributor
My pet has requested that I make a post to this site, and as she knows, there is almost nothing I wouldn't do for her, so here goes... Her request was that I not post anything too sappy, so I shall do my best to steer clear of that. I had hoped to post a dream I had involving her, but unfortunately, I never seem to be able to remember details of dreams, only general feelings, emotions, reactions etc. So that idea went out the window... So what to write, what to say about my sweet little pet. I don't always get all the time I wish I could have with her, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't always have the time she wishes she could with me. But in some ways, that just makes the time we have together more special, more exciting. My pet is such a good girl, always goes out of her way to please me, to satisfy me, and she does in every way. She has asked me to describe one of my fantasies, and although I am nowhere near the writer that she is, I shall give it a try: I imagine leading her to our room, her hand in mine as I guide her with me. Standing her in front of me, taking a step back, admiring her beautiful body, her wonderful form, her face, smiling, but with just a hint of nervousness, of apprehension, of anticipation. Reaching my hands forward, and unbuttoning her blouse, my hands sliding up around her neck, lightly caressing the leather collar that fits snugly around her, and then sliding my hands down, over her shoulders, grazing over the skin, slipping under the material, and helping it to slide from her shoulders. Leaning in to kiss her softly, gently, tenderly, my tongue grazing over her lips, my teeth lightly finding them, and biting softly. My hands returning to her shoulders, slowly easing the straps of her bra from her shoulders, my fingers moving behind her, lightly unsnapping the clasp, and sliding the bra down onto the floor. My eyes locked on her as her breasts become exposed, her nipples pink and excited, my breath catching in my throat. Taking her hands in mine, and guiding her gently to the bed. Laying her down onto het back, leaning over her to kiss her, deeply this time, with passion, my body pressing to her's, my chest rubbing slightly against her breasts. My hands taking her wrists, and guiding them up slowly above her head, taking the leather cuffs that are attached to the head of the bed, and binding each one around her wrists. Lifting my head to smile down at her, tracing my fingers down her chest, over the rise of her breasts, and down over her stomach, to the waistband of her skirt... ************************** I think that is enough for tonight, we wouldn't want people thinking I had a dirty mind on my first post now, would we? G
|| by Fae ||
4:15:00 AM |

Wednesday, October 12, 2005
A little Pissy
Okay So now I'm in a rare mood. It was a rare mood to begind with as could be noticed by the ...after name?.....on my MSN. Which happened to be "Today I want to hold the Whip," It was a rare mood.
Only to be made rarer...?....when someone asked what it meant and why I was being so pissy lately. I made some smart ass remark and shortly got a "Fine you want to be a bitch well fuck-you too,"...although much more hostile sounding.
One thing I can not abide is being called names or sworn at in anger. I will not do it to you. Please do not do it to me. It's a small thing I hold in deep regard. It's called Respect.
Now I do not mean to go all "Respect lady" On you, (For those of us Ajaxians out there) but respect is a big thing and being able to control your temper is an amazing thing.
At this place in time. I. am. Angry. I wrote it with a smile on my face and love in my heart. I do not, and will not yell at you. I will very calmly, try to explain how I feel I've been wronged, and if we're on the phone hang up when I'm done letting you get no word in edge-wise. If you're in front of me I will shakily confront you with a waver in my voice because I don't like showing emotions. Particularly volatile ones. When I am done. I will calmly walk away.
If you try to reason with me, I will listen, and if I think your point is more valid. I will conceed. If I don't, I will not back down.
It's called Strength of Conviction. Not annoying. Or infuriating. Those are feelings that may be felt by the other party when dealing with me in this mood. I understand that, I can see how some would find that my unwillingness to stamp my feet and scream bloody murder infuriating. Sort of.
I can be wrong. I will admit that if I think I am wrong, maybe not gracefully, but I will do it. Ask Jen. Or Lauren. they both know I will do it.
If people would calm down more often before letting their anger loose, there might be less cases of road rage, less cases of random violence. It's a matter of knowing when, where and how to vent your emotions.
I can sort of handle my own. I shouldn't have to handle other peoples as well.
I may come back and re-read/edit this later when I'm not so....*scrunching my nose* Yech.....argumentative, confrontational. Angry. *biting off the last word* EroticFaeP.S. For anyone interested in yelling at me afterwards about putting this on my blog....I'm not going to finish this will only serve to...infuriate people more. Hmm, it almost makes me want to finish it y'know? (Christ I sound like Rikku)
|| by Fae ||
11:02:00 PM |

Monday, October 10, 2005
The Shoot and more.
ok, so here goes my last few posts have been...excruciatingly long. Here I will try to learn from others and write short and sweetly.
1)Woke up late Sunday morning therefore got to the cottage late. But we got to stop for Ice Cream. Mmmm, Black Raspberry Thunder Kwartha Dairy.
*side note* I saw the store I normally see on the way north but for some reason the sign made me smile for another reason altogether. The store is a craft/woodsy athletic looking place and the sign to attract people has a huge, ginormous sized goos above it and says "Come in For A Gander"...It made me think of Goose & Gander. It made me smile and I felt very okay to be away from technology.
2)We arrived at the shoot a little later than normal 1:15. We should have been there for 1:00. We were the third people there. Nevrtheless I could have not showed and placed virtually the same. 2nd last. I practiced and got a bullseye and shot to place and only got 5, with both the 22 and 3030 (thirty-thirty).
3) Thanksgiving dinner was small this year. Only 8 of us and we ate like kings. I didn't eat that much because my stomach is still bothering me but it was superb!
4)Went to the cottage early...watched Charmed. *sigh* Went to bed.
5)Woke up late hurried to the farm because I was supposed to meet my cousin there at 9:30 to go riding. She showed basically half an hour later than I did...and only because I called her.
6)Had to literally chase after the horses for ten or fifteen minutes....Chasing after a thousand pound animal that can run faster than a three wheeler...sound fun? It's not. Funny, yes; fun, no.
7)Went riding was feeling very comfortable, got into a lope on the stretch home, fell off landed on my ass, rolled over and curled into a ball.
8)Re-learned to breathe. (If you've been reading Laurell K. Hamilton like I suggested you would know where this came from)
9)felt pain, lots and lots of pain.
10)Spent three hours driving home in pain. I could literally feel my body stiffening...even after taking advil.
11)Looked in the mirror when I got home. My ass is slightly blue from the bottom of the cheek up covering the bottom of my back and across to the center of my back. Sitting, standing, moving, being still it all feels the same. PAINFUL!
12)Wrote in my blog after watching Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Which was painfully good. (Think, Now & Then, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood and Crossroads without the music.)
*to happen shortly* 13)Go to bed!
14) Wake up and possibly cry or at least have an epsom salt bath. EroticFae.....So Much for short and Sweet.
|| by Fae ||
10:45:00 PM |

Sunday, October 09, 2005
So this last week has been borderline hell for me what with my cold, thinking I was going to be alone on Thanksgiving, and yes I know I wouldn't be left alone my friends would hav invited me to their place. The story is long, well not so long, and painfull. It boils down to the fact that I haven't spent a Thanksgiving, since my dad died, away from the cottage. That is the only place I truly feel connected to him and when I thought I would be without that comfort level, that certain security blanket, it was a tangible, real pain in my chest. I was almost having an anxiety attack because of it. It tells me one thing.
I haven't grieved properly. But I don't want to talk about that stuff right now.
I am going to my cottage, I get to wake up in five hours and shower and then leave. I'll get to be at the shoot and I'll probably even shoot, and lose. I'll get to go horseback riding and eat turkey and stuffing with gravy and cranberry sauce....home made cranberry sauce, homeade pumpkin pie...homemade all kinds of pies! Lemon Merangue, Pumpkin, cocnut Cream, Cherry, did I mention Pumpkin? *drool*
Mmm, lets see...oh yes, I'm planning on taking a whack load of pictures of the horses, maybe get my cousins to take some of me with the horse I normally ride. I can't wait.
I'll see all the different colours on the trees, feel the bite of winter in the air. God it feels so good to be up there at this time of the year. I'll be honest, until you've seen me around my family. You have no idea who I am. And'll be very confused.
On another note.
I've been thinking that soon when I go horseback riding I should wear the duotone balls, not yet! I'm definately not ready for that yet. But I think it could be interesting.
Yet again another note:
When you screw in a lightbulb, or for that matter any kind of a screw, the basic rule is 'righty-tighty, lefty-loosey'. Did you know Jugs are the opposite? And no I'm not talking about breasts for once....have I even talked about breasts on here before? *Shrugs,* Oh well, I'm sure you all know what I mean.
And now for the entertainment for the day/evening/middle of the night ....not that I haven't been trying to entertain you thus far but....oh I'm sorry, back to the point.
I left her standing at the car with her mom and the two dogs. It was well past midnight and the dark made it that much colder. The bite in the air made me walk that much faster.
I walk with both hands in my jacket pockets, each hand grasping a set of keys that have at least one large very painfull looking key on the ring. I don't know what I'm afraid of but it makes my heart beat faster. Cars drive by, their lights glaring at me angrily. One vehicle turns the signal indicator on, and moves into the next lane, I wait for it to go by before finishing the walk across.
I feel threatened.
I walk through the dark pathway leading to the alley, the light coming from the lamposts is dull and eeriely (sp?) orange. I hear the quiet voices of the two men down the way, they look over at me and try to hide the glowing ember, I can smell the pot from more than twenty feet away.
I feel the urge to ask for a hit.
I've never smoked it before so I ignore the urge and continue on my trek home. I walk down the four or five stairs it takes to arrive in the shadowy cat walk between two large houses. The wind speaks to the trees, and the leaves rustle in their foreign tongue. I catch my breath as wind rolls over me, I let it out when it's done and gone for the moment. It'll be back. Soon. I should walk faster, I keep telling myself I should have taken the car.
But I like the excercise, I haven't been to the gym in more than a week.
I walk past the house with the 'Power of Sale' sign in front. It even feels empty, like a ghost house, almost. I pick up speed and wonder why there are so few lamp posts on the street, the night is cold and eerie. It feels vaguely threatening and soon I'm stepping lightly up my steps. I keep an eye out for the spider living in our light fixture and I open the door stepping inside and locking it quickly. I'm home. I look at the clock on my telephone in the darkened kitchen. 12:35am.
It took me less than five minutes to arrive home tonight. I can do better.
|| by Fae ||
12:38:00 AM |

Thursday, October 06, 2005
Lesbians, Country Music and Comments not neccessarily in that order. And Laurell K.Hamilton
...Apparently, quite a few people have visited. and not left comments.
Do you know what this does to a persons psyche?? I'm....a needer of comments. I seek for acceptance even though I hate it, and comments are the way I get it, even if you comment to say ...uhm...:
ur writing sux. ur a hack. get a lif u durte perv.
Yeah, thats about the worst kind of comment I could come up with....hell that would make me laugh. I'd then of course tell the poor soul to go back to school ...beginning with Kindergarten because clearly he needs to relearn everything.
*Quirking my head to the side* I just like the comments people so bring 'em on!!!!! *flicking my fingers in a 'Come'n'get me manner*
Next point.
My new manager, is a lesbian. It's interesting, we were talking and I said something which led me to this whole "I'm a big a fan of men comment" to which she replied, "I'm a big fan of women," I wasn't necessarily shocked because I had heard rumours through the grapevine that is ...*We apologize for the inconvience but the connection has been momentarily dropped due to censorship.* Loud Buzzing Noise Ensues So I wasn't shocked at that I was shocked at the fact that she was so bold about it. (Jen made me laugh, she said my fingers are faster than my brain when it comes to! Ha!)
So it's interesting, life will be interesting at...where I work.
Next Point.
Laurell K. Hamilton. Amazing Author. Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies, Zombie Raisers (Animators,) Triumvirates, Dominate and submissives lifestyles, pain and bondage, friendship. What more can a girl ask for? Sex...oh yeah its there in the later books. Read her, Devour her first, then go back and taste her writings again. I have, I love her. I also love Asher.
Next Point.
Why is it people will Always...ALWAYS say I love Music, and then proceed to bash a type...particularly Country music. I am a fan of Country music.
Thats right. Country. Who's gonna beat me up!? Nobody. Cause it's good and you're all either closet listeners or fans of Shania, who's music is 90% pop btw.
Listen to George Strait, or Reba McEntire. Story songs, country, a little bit of twang some poignancy, or some hilarity.
But most can understand what they are saying and a lot of the time they haven't altered their voices on the C.D.s.
Phew. I'm glad I got all that out. Now....a bit of creativity for the soul. I sit behind a wall of glass, I wish I had a tail to wag. I wish I could go home with you, I want to cuddle, I want your hands petting me, I want to be good, I want to be bad, let it out. scream out loud. here I sit. behind this wall of glass. Ech....I don't like it. I'm sure now I'll get all sorts of comments, *note sarcasm*EroticFae
|| by Fae ||
7:02:00 PM |

Wednesday, October 05, 2005
My delerium frustrates me, I do not know if he exists. I drink the last of my coke, in fear. Is he real? A hacking cough racks my body and colours shift and blur as my glassy eyes begin to run. tears trailing down my cheeks. Damn this cold. My delerium frustrates me. EroticFae
|| by Fae ||
3:00:00 AM |

A List of 100.
1)I'm a redhead. (Natural Strawberry Blonde) 2)I'm short, I don't quite meet a flat 5 foot. 3)People who try and use their height for intimidation are overcompensating. Tall people don't intimidate me. 4)Heights intimidate me. Sheer Drops, cliffs, wobbly ladders. 5)Bridges and standing on bridges or feeling bridges sway doesn't bother me. 6)I love Movies. 7)I dislike people who say they love movies and proceed to say they hate a particular genre of movies. 8)One of my favourite movies is Abbott & Costello in The Naughty Nineties. (Their Who's on first routine was shown in this one in full, whereas in Pardon My Sarong it's only shown in part) 9)I also love reading. 10)And I enjoy all kinds of music, you just have to catch me in the right mood. 11)It irritates me to no end when people say "I like all kinds of music, except Country or Rap or Hip Hop." Okay..yeah no you don't. Even..."Country music is so bad, it's not singing it's just whining," Could one not argue, Rap isn't singing just speaking to a beat? or even that Some music is just screaming into a mic? 12)I like Country music. All of it. Twangy old stuff, newer not so twangy. Listen to Crystal Chandelier. Prime Song. Prime. 13)The number 13 is my lucky number, on Friday the 13th's I usually have the best day ever. 14)I'm Sagittarius and yes I believe in Astrology. 15)I don't believe in God but I do believe in life after death and reincarnation. 16)If I were to believe in a God, I wouldn't be monotheistic. I would much rather move backwards in times to when there were many gods, or else become Pagan. 17)I'm a fairweather fan. If a sport is on ...i choose and pick the team to cheer for randomly. Usually The Leafs, and the Red boys are sexy. 18)I love traveling. 19)I've never gone anywhere in Canada other than places in Ontario. 20)I've been to Three different states. Florida, New York and Massachussets. 21)I love learning new things. 22)I hate/hated school. 23)I'm thinking of going back to school. 24)When I drink a tea from Timmy's I have to make sure the line of the cup is no where near the mouth spot. 25)i have to have a blanket on top of my while I watch a movie. even when it's dreadfully hot outside. 26)We have central Air. 27)Our basement is ALWAYS cold. 28)I would rather read the book than see the movie. 29)I love reading...anything. If I can get my hands on it. I'll read it. I already said this...Hmmm I like repeating myself! 28)I think I may have fallen in Lust with Laurell K. Hamilton or at least Her characters. Especially Zebrowski....and Ed/Ted/Edward. Richards kinda hot but and idiot. 29)If books don't turn out the way I want them to I don't like them. 30)If I think something bad is going to happen to a character I stop reading the book, I still haven't finished reading the last book in the fire & ice song trilogy by Gearge R. Martin. 31)I collect Faeries. 32)I want a tattoo of a triquetra. 33)I love the t.v. show Charmed and I really don't want it to end. 34)Holly marie Combs is hot. 35)I'm straight, 36)I could possibly be bi. But I don't know if I could go down on a girl. 37)I don't think I could. Vaginas gross me out. 38)I like penises. 39)I've never seen one bigger than 5 inches....while erect. That wasn't in a picture. 40)I love animals. 41)I love photography. 42)I don't enjoy being photographed. 43)I don't particularly enjoy human photographs. I would much rather look at animals in pictures than people. 44)My Dad's family hunts Deer, partridge, bear. and traps other minor animals (beaver, muskrat) 45)We eat all the meat we catch except the beaver and other trapped animals. 46)Fried Partridge is my favourite, although Venison Stew is really tasty. (yes I am talking about eating Bambis Dad or Mom.) 47)We never shoot the Bambis. 48)Bambino is child/baby/infant in Italian. And...well I'm 1/4 Italian.... 49)I have very fair skin so I burn easily. 50)I hate wasting time to put on sunblock. 51)I love the word master. 52)I hate the word Slave. 53)I dislike keeping my identity anonymous. 54)I dislike the thought of some people finding out who it is that writes this blog. 55)I dislike people who care about what others think. 56)I look in the mirror and see what other people see and I don't always like it. 57)I have thought about suicide. 58)then I thought about how much I would hate being a statistic. 59)I love Ice Cream. All of it...mind you I've yet to come across Sardine Ice Cream 60)I like Sardines. 61)I'm slowly learning I'm intrigued by very dark things. 62)I love being called "Pet", "My Good Girl", "Babygirl" and even when the occasion suits "Fucktoy" 63)I hate politics. 64)I pay no attention whatsoever as to what is going on in our government, and i do not complain...very much. 65)I dislike hypocrites. 66)I dislike the words, hate, nice and good. Hate is too strong, nice is the kiss of death as is good. "You look nice!" As compared to what? The wicked witch of the West? 67)I often say "You look ok," means I don't like nor dislike the outfit. I feel nothing for it. It usually means there's not enough black, or not enough colour or I don't like the colour on that particular person. 68)I want a Tinkerbell Tattoo as well. 69)I love that this number is the symbol for the Zodiac sign cancer. I dislike 69'ing with guys. it's very awkward. 70)I'd also like a tattoo of an arrow, as that is the shorthand symbol for Sagittarius. Which happens to be my zodiac, 71)I can't not write. If I don't life goes to shit and I begin thinking bad thoughts. 72)I don't understand how someone outside of family can like or even love me. 73)I constantly think I'm not worthy of the people I have around me. 74)I try too hard to make people like me sometimes. 75)I try too hard to keep something going even when there's absolutely no hope. 76)I wonder why people wonder why I have given up hope. 77)Seven times out of ten when I'm happy I'm not really I just can't bear the thought of people being concerned. 78)I dislike feeling selfish. 79)I can't stand someone ordering me about, 80)If someone says thanks without saying please, it's quite likely I won't do whatever they've asked. "Can you grab me a pop? Thanks." I'm not you're maid. 81)If one of my friends asks for a drink while at my house, if it's their first time here, I'll take them and show them where the drink fridge is..and then say "Now you know where it is. Now you can get your own drinks," 82)No I don't think that is rude. Though it is lazy because I just won't feel like getting up to grab a pop for them. They want it...They can get it. 83)I was born in 1983. 84)I find older men more attractive. Say older than 30. 85)I really, really, really want to be tied up one day. 86)I would love to be published. Either, one of my stories if I ever finish it or some poetry if it's ever good enough. 87)If I could talk to anyone Dead or Alive I would choose....Gordon Kormon....Eric Wilson, Anne Mcaffrey....William Shakespeare, Cleopatra, many to choose from. 88)If I could talk to any fictional character it would be, Any character from the Laurell K. Hamilton novels because...well Jason just sounds hot, as does nathaniel and becoming a weretiger would be....interesting. Or Jenks from Kim Harrisons novels...He's a pixie! Come on! 89)I love reading science fiction and fantasy. Although I am getting a groove on children's literature again. 90)I love Anne of Green Gables because quite often I feel that we have a lot in common... 91)I want to kiss a girl at least once.... 92)I hate crying. HATE. Crying. People who make me cry I strongly dislike. 93)When I get angry, I cry. 94)I can't stand people yelling. It makes me very nervous and I have a tendency to freak out. 95)I love snow. 96)I love human contact, even just a handshake. 97)Pain interests and intrigues me. 98)I've found that I will pick a scab to create pain, to see blood and to feel a little bit of a rush. 99)I want a puppy. 100)people usually save the best for last...not me.
|| by Fae ||
1:43:00 AM |

Sunday, October 02, 2005
I'm sick.
I feel icky.
I made up a new word.....Fruitickenarian....although in a comment on JeN's blog I thought maybe it should be Fruitickenegenarian. I'm good at making up new words. Especially when I'm doped up on Advil. I've only had two all day....I'm loopy.
I was talking about giving my friend a tea biscuit (she was holding it for my Mum) but I screwed it up....let's say her name was...Sarah...with an H. It's just not Sarah without the H...
This is what I said : I gave Tarah your seabiscuit Mum.
Of course that's not exactly what I said because my friends name is neither Sarah nor Tarah. Who spells Tarah with H anyway?
Regardless. I feel icky and I've just gotten over the big red week of hell.
Did you know after you go off the pill you get no warning signs that you're about to get your period? Talk about screwing with your mind. But I digress.
He went away for the weekend. He has a ...Bach. Pronounced Batch. What we call a cottage or Holiday Home if you want to get all Ritzy and what not. This is the view from the ...deck? grass out front? I don't know. But I want to go there and have him do deliciously wicked things to me out in the open.
(Normally this is where a gorgeous picture which includes white sandy beaches, blue skies and a bit of...mountain? would go...however ol'sicky I am I can't remember where I saved it to. Go figure. So in the meantime...enjoy this picture of 7 yr old Halloween.)

He's supposed to call tomorrow and perhaps let me do wicked things to myself for him. I wish we lived closer. He could cuddle me when I need cuddling. Punish me when I need Punishing, and spank me whenever I wanted it. Well....if I asked nicely.
I was standing on the shoreline, letting the waves lap over my toes, gently once, gently twice. I had wrapped a throw blanket around me to ward off any chill. Couldn't have me getting sick now could we? It was a small blanket but large enough to cover my petite frame.
All I could hear was the gentle lapping of the waves. I never heard him walk up behind me, but I knew he was there even before he put his hands on my shoulders. I sighed happily and leaned my back into his chest.
"It's beautiful here. I wish we could stay here forever," "I do too my pet, but we can't. The real world always intrudes and we always have to say a beintot, but we never have to forget," Smiling up at him, my eyes half lidded as I feel myself growing warm. I rub my backside against his groin gently.
"You've given me so many beautiful memories, would you give me one more?" He quirked his head at me with a look of slight wonder in his darkened eyes and nodded slightly. I could feel his cock pressed hard against me, grinding into my back a little. I drop the blanket to the sandy beach and lay down on my back.
"Out here...please? Just once...?" I smiled nervously and he knelt before me, cupping my chin in his hand.
"After how well you've behaved this week, and how well you accepted your punishments. I can do no more than reward my pet," He bent his head and started nibbling and licking at my stomach and waist and I let my head fall back to the sand. Staring up at the light blue sky, and letting the waves carry me away.
That's all for now folks. It's all my loopiness will allow. I keep imagining clowns jumping out of the woods with chainless chainsaws and rubber Hatchets. Not very conducive to a sexy story. EroticFae P.S. I had to give you a picture to look at didn't I?
|| by Fae ||
11:44:00 PM |
