She sits uncomfortably in front of the t.v. The humidex is high, the temperature is high, and sweat pools between her breasts. She has all the fans in the room moving as fast as they could and it still doesn't help.
A hand falls atop her head, she turns and smiles she goes to say good morning but he stops her with a quick hand gesture, just a finger over his mouth but it has her curious. She raises a brow in silent question and he crooks a finger at her, motioning for her to follow him down the hall. He turns in to the bathroom and turns on the shower....
(god ok I'm so tired I'm thinking nonsensically I'll try and finish this up tomorrow.....)
|| by Fae ||
1:46:00 AM |

Tuesday, July 08, 2008
well, maybe this is for good.....
Well, I have finished moving...for now. I now live down the street from my mother with my boyfriend in the same apartment building as my aunt and a couple of cousins (not my aunts children ....different relations...) so all in all my street and my life is slowly seeming to become a t.v. special.
*Cue crappy yet cheery music*
I'm slowly unpacking and I almost have a desk again where I shall be able to continue my writings in comfort and not have to worry about the other three people in my apartment....learning everything I don't want them knowing about only problem is the 'Boy' how do i tell him?
how to tell him everything????
Sure he's noticed i like certain things in bed...and that I tend to put everyone else before me but I mean how do I tell him about 'G' and what he means to me. G is one of the closest friends i have....which is hard for anyone to understand but....he makes me smile when i don't necessarily want to and that is something only a very few select few have figured out how to do.
How do you tell your boyfriend you're a cyber slut?
|| by Fae ||
9:26:00 PM |